I honestly never believed it was possible
Seriously, no matter how crazy they are, I honestly never really believed that the Republicans would take the economy down on purpose. These are the people who have been entrusted with the...
View ArticleLibrarians are a valuable resource
To follow up on a comment I posted in Lightbulb's diary, I just wanted to point out that the public library and its librarians are an occasionally underused resource for information in many areas....
View ArticleWhere are the scientists/teachers/engineers/artists in politics?
I was reading some comments to Alan Grayson's diary and it reminded me of something I heard on Bill Maher's show last week, from astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson...
View ArticleI have to say "Thank You!" to Rush
I know, I know...horrifying as it sounds, I really want to thank Rush Limbaugh for being his usual repellant, misogynistic self and falling all over himself to once again jump on the Republican War on...
View ArticleTHIS is why we sometimes (grudgingly) support "conservadems"
On TalkingPointsMemo today:Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who often crosses the aisle to vote with Republicans on legislation, said there is "no way" he will support this bill.Manchin said the bill attacks...
View ArticleWriting the ads for Democratic candidates all over the country...
These people are just bizarre. They beg, borrow and steal votes — only from Republicans — to pass this vile Trumpcare bill through the House, but ONLY the House, at this point. Then, they have a big...
View ArticleI weep for my country
I weep for my country.I weep for those who scream “Blue Lives Matter!” because they do not understand that “Black Lives Matter!” contains an implicit “, Too” at the end, and not an implicit “Only” at...
View ArticleHas AG Barr *read* the Mueller report?
How many times will he ask the Dem senators to explain the basis of their questions, when their questions are based EXACTLY on comments/explanations from the report? Cory Booker just said, in...
View ArticleRepeat the oath to the Constitution?
Just had a thought…I think that a great way to start each Intelligence Committee public hearing would be for the members of the committee to recite the oath they take - to the Constitution - for their...
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